Nitten has a total experience of 22 years, out of which facilitation experience of 13 years.
With a sales experience of selling confectionary to high-end Real Estate, before foraying into
training, Nitten also led large teams in an NGO and as an orator delivered mass programs all
across Maharashtra. Nitten has worked in the area of Public Speaking and Communication, Sales,
Stress Management, Voice Culture and Expression, Team Building, Leadership, Unconscious Bias,
Mentoring and Motivation. So far Nitten has addressed 100,000 people in various sectors like
Telecom, IT & ITES, Insurance, Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing, Consulting, Business Schools,
Education, BFSI, PSU, FMCG, NGOs, and Politicians.
He is a Mindfulness practitioner for a decade and has conducted Mindfulness-based Emotional
Intelligence workshops in corporates, education sector, and NGOs. Using Mindfulness and theatre
skills he has coached people to achieve well being and enhance their impact and influence.
He is a trained actor from The Jeff Goldberg Studio and has delivered more than 100 performances
so far. Using theatre and experiential learning approach he has also groomed facilitators. With
his humorous narrative style and examples, he keeps his audience highly engaged and involved in
the learning process.
Dear sir,
The training was a quantum leap in motivation for all.
Now coming to self I was not very vocal during the training. The reason was
“dropping the stories” as most of the stories was with me and the stories
are like self-imposed taboos about which I was thinking and even now thinking. I always
have biased and illogical confidence in my brain power and not on the body. Now I have
come across the issues of the self, the body, and its synchronization. Small changes I
am working out and hoping for a changed self.
Dear Sir/Madam,
It was a wonderful experience. The 4 days were, really, a learning curve. It was really
sort of renewal ,as taught in the training, of Physical, Social, Mental and Emotional.
In the last 17 years, of my experience , I’ve attended around 8 training programmes .
After the training, when someone asks, I would explain it theoretically or rather unable
to share. The Module of this Program has been conceptualised in an exemplary way. The
execution was too good. Mr.Nitten was exceptional.
Earlier paragraph, I had said,” I was unable to share the earlier training programmes
experiences with my friends, colleague or relatives”. I am so happy that I have started
sharing this little knowledge, gained ,with my Friends and Family. I had met 2 of my
Friends, through my IIM class,on Friday . I was sharing this experience of, 6 needs,
Daily renewals , Scramble pattern and Anchoring with them. They were astounded and said,
”It sounds good and realistic”. Yesterday, it was with my wife and neighbours in my
Flat. They were all surprised to see a change in my body language and conversation.
Moreover, during the Training we did this exercise of dropping the stories. I had done
this with my sister. I reached home yesterday night. I was sharing the happenings of
training program with my wife. During the course she said, ”Your sister called me daily
in the last 4 days. This has really worked for me. Thank you Nitten. You know what-
Today, I got up and then my son woke up. Along with him I shouted,” This is going to be
a great day”.
This made me realise how Contribution and Growth can Change not only other’s lives ,but,
ours as well. It also made me realise the fact, that,” Language represents Internal
Experience”, one of the NLP Pre-suppositions is true.
I believe in the statement of ADI SANKARA—“What we know is 1/6th the size of our palm”.
I also understand, with the smattering knowledge one has, we can do wonders if we know
how to leverage it. This program has emphasized it.